Monday, September 13, 2010

Whitefly confused for leaf hopper
That's not a leaf hopper. The feller in the video looks whitefly (the bug, not the esteemed Mr. Garrett). Whiteflies sure do hop, but they aren't  leaf hopper (or a plant hopper or tree hopper). Leaf hoppers, as members of the cicadellidae, appear like miniature cicadas, with wings close to the housing when stationary, not deltoid, as the whitefly. You will find their pupal casings on Sophora and all manner of Quercus, often mistaken for scale or even misidentified at artillery fungus. I believe whiteflies are in the Aleyrodidae (sp?) family. Oh, and they do a heck of a lot of damage. Best to reduce plant susceptibility by boosting organic matter, promoting soil biology, improving internal drainage, and cutting off or restricting irrigation.

Please feel free to leave a comment or send an email. If you're looking for a TCIA Accredited Houston Tree Service or Certified Arborist, call the company I've worked for since 2002, Bartlett Tree Experts, at 713-692-6371. This is my personal blog--it is not affiliated with Bartlett Tree Experts.

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