Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Dear George III, Where's the Change?

Dear George III,

Hey, it's your constituency here. You know, the ones who voted for change and hope? Just wondering: why are there still troops in Iraq? Why did we step up the "war" in Afghanistan? Why are we even there? Why is Gitmo still open? Why are we still bailing out the unproductive at the expense of the productive? Why are we still taking the advice of the same "economists" who got us into this mess? Why do you still think we can tax, spend and print our way out of this hole? Why are we still engaged in imperialist foreign policy? Why are still engaged in profligate spending? Why are we still torturing (ref: Benyam Muhammed)? Why haven't we taken steps to repeal the Patriot Act? Why are we not investigating your predecessors for war crimes? Why are we not investigating the Federal Reserve?

More to the point: why are Republicans complaining? They should be the happiest of all: they're apparently getting 4 more years of Bush.

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